Finance CVs in Ireland

Below you can see a list of job seekers’ CVs who are looking for a finance jobs in Ireland. This list includes only the candidates that are in need of a finance job in Ireland. If you wish to find candidates in different location or category, please edit information in your search.
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Zoghlami Sofien

Zoghlami Sofien from Africa

45 years old, male
J'ai une large expérience en matière Financière et budgétaire et finance internationale de 18 ans. Master Finance et mini Master en logistiques de MIT USA en plus de diplôme d'analyste financier international et expert de développement économique micro et macro pour le Fond Monétaire International FMI. Je peux être très utile en haute finance et budjet. En plus je suis écrivain bilingue et une formation en philosophie moderne.
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Mahendra Singh Rawat

Mahendra Singh Rawat from Asia

34 years old, male
I have been looking job in financial sector . I have doen MBA (finance) from University of Bedfordshire and I do have 3 years of good work experience. Currently I am working with Midland credit management as an account manager. I am positive minded person with confident personality. I find out the solution and try to take care of my work in specified time frame. I am a hardworker with a smart approach towards work.
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