Mechanical Engineer CVs in Ireland

Below you can see a list of job seekers’ CVs who are looking for a mechanical engineer jobs in Ireland. This list includes only the candidates that are in need of a mechanical engineer job in Ireland. If you wish to find candidates in different location or category, please edit information in your search.
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Bulent Ozturk

Bulent Ozturk from Europe

37 years old, male
I am an experienced mechanical engineer working in LPG industry for 10 years. I am extremely devoted and enthusiastic about being effective and fast in my business life. I care a lot about learning new things and improving my skills. I am aware that willing and diligent work will definitely result in success. I have no doubt that I can contribute to you with my experience and working discipline. As an EU citizen there is no obstacle for me to work in Europe.
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Altun Buse Karakullukcu

Altun Buse Karakullukcu from Turkey

I have a mission to use the basic mechanical and material knowledge and gains I have acquired while studying engineering for sectors such as clean energy, efficiency, and health in order to find solutions to the problems of today and the future.
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